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Made under the New Moon with Reiki, Herbs and Intention to attract money, opportunities and luck. Great for spell work, candle meditation, filling out that application or pitching a new idea to a big client, or simply filling out that spreadsheet. Anytime you want to tip the scales in your favor burn this candle and let the energy fill your space. These vegan soy candles are made with Reiki, spirulina, blackberry, coriander, white willow, essential oils: sweet orange, frankincense, bergamot, anis and a raw Magnesite stone. Once the stone can be removed, keep it in your purse, pocket, on your desk or under your pillow. 

"I release all blocks and negative attachments surrounding success. Money and opportunites  flow freely in and out of my life. I am taken care of. I am open to seen and unseen opportunities."

Abundance Candle

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